Healing sessions with me are a little bit like homemade soup... A mix of all the nourishing good stuff stirred together in a pot! But great soup depends on what's in the fridge, right? Well, what IS in the fridge? So many goodies, like...
When we work together, my magical ingredients include a combination of Reiki, aromatherapy, music, angel cards, coaching and channeling. Each session is unique and catered to you... No need to pick, we do what feels good in the moment!
Some days we need to dream, some days we need to be heard, some days music and energy do all the work and we just bear witness. Together, we will explore your goals and needs and set a course for discovery! (Usually, with a whole lot of help from the angels, guides and our intuition.)
It's true, I love working with Spirit/Source, energy and guides, which for many can seem, well, a little intangible. I get it! Often times, at the end of the day we simply need some practical action steps to help us move forward. (Or even some simple steps to help us learn how to sit still!) Which is why we always round up our time together with a reflection and a plan, so that you can walk away with some juicy nuggets to work on.
At the end of the day, my objective is to help you feel better so that you can shine bright in the world and live your purpose! Because, my friend, we've got work to do... There is no time like the present and this world needs your unique light. Only you can shine that light, sing that song, live your story. I am here to hold space and focus while helping you to learn how to heal yourself. Now thatis some sweet magic!
If this resonates with you, I'd love nothing more than to be your guide. So let's dive in! Check out the details below.
90 minute intake session
2, 60 min follow up sessions
Sessions include personalized Quantum Reiki, angel cards, spiritual coaching, aromatherapy and music (varies from session to session)
1 Personalized aromatherapy** blend to use at home
All 3 sessions to be used within 1 month
Investment of $375
90 minute intake session
5, 60 min follow up sessions
Sessions include personalized Quantum Reiki, angel cards, spiritual coaching, aromatherapy and music (varies from session to session)
2 Personalized aromatherapy** blends to use at home
2 Personalized and recorded meditations to use at home
Text/email check-ins as needed for support along the journey
All 6 sessions to be used within 3 months
Investment of $625
90 minute intake session
5, 60 min follow up sessions
Sessions include personalized Quantum Reiki, angel cards, spiritual coaching, aromatherapy and music (varies from session to session)
3 Personalized aromatherapy** blends to use at home
3 Personalized and recorded meditations to use at home
Voice/phone AND text/email check-ins as needed for support along the journey
Sessions are to be scheduled 1x/month for 6 months
As you can tell, there is a little more bang for your buck in a package. You are welcome to start with a single session and if you love the experience, you can then transfer that session's cost into a package that suits your needs and your budget!
Every few months I make space in my schedule to work with some pro bono clients. If you'd like to work with me but your finances don't allow it, please inquire about my pro bono wait list to see if you are good fit.