I love playing with felt and wool, making cards, cutting paper and fabric, gluing, coloring, stamping and playing with paint. Yup, I'm one crafty bitch! It's how I get my indoors game on. These days its all about felting. Wool wool wool. I also love playing with craft felt... you know, the polyester stuff that's also called felt. If its spelled F.E.L.T. then I'm pretty sure I'm either using it, drooling over it, longing to make something from it, or I will do so soon enough!
I started playing with felt when my kiddo was just a wee one. I was home recovering from a c-section, nursing and trying not to loose my mind to the mama mushies. Do you know what I'm talking about??! Cutting and stitching craft felt onto onesies indeed made me feel super domesticated, but sooo very satisfied - dare I say gleeful - when I ended up with such delightful little final products! And guess what? Turns out craft felt is just a gateway drug! When I moved to Vermont, wet and needle felting with wool grabbed me by the crafty cajones and have yet to let go! Which suits me just fine. ;)